
What is an Incident Response Plan and Why is it Important?

What is an Incident Response Plan and Why is it Important?

An incident response plan is a document that outlines the needed procedures, steps, and regulations organizations must go through in the case of a virtual threat (data breach) or a physical threat (natural disaster or power shortages). Implementing a cyber breach incident response plan within the...

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Incident Response Services

Incident Response Services

In today's digital landscape, cyberattacks are becoming increasingly common, and businesses need to be prepared to respond quickly and effectively when a data breach occurs. This is where incident response services come in. Blackswan’s Incident response services are a critical component of...

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How to Get a SOC (Security Operations Center) on a Budget?

How to Get a SOC (Security Operations Center) on a Budget?

The world has been experiencing massive growth in cybercrimes. With the increasing sophistication of hackers and mobiles, we are now truly facing 'A New World Order' or what some people term the 4th Industrial Revolution. These changes have forced businesses to rethink their approach towards cyber...

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